Book now on +44 7496 040653 for a luxurious erotic massage experience that you’ll never forget!

About Gold Tantric London

Who We Are

Established in 2018, Gold Tantric London is a leading massage agency in London that provides exceptional tantric massages to individuals and couples. We work with a team of beautiful and talented masseuses who understand the diverse needs of clients and curate tantric massage solutions for them. We’re professional, friendly, and trustworthy.

Our Team

We only have the best tantric massage therapists to ensure our clients receive luxurious bespoke massages. All the masseuses are hand-picked and fully trained in tantric massage techniques in our Tantric Massage Training Academy in Mayfair.

The best part is that you get to select your preferred tantric masseuse from our gallery. They’re highly experienced in both the male and female bodies. You can trust them to help you pay conscious attention to your body sensations, emotions, and erotic stimulation. They know how to trigger the core of your sensual energy and explore the depths of orgasmic sensations.

Also, the masseuses will help you experience the broad range of possibilities that tantric massage opens you up to, and break away from your limitations. It’s a journey of self-discovery and our masseuses are the best people to walk you through it.

We then have an enthusiastic customer care team ready to book your session, clarify any concerns, and provide clear and transparent communication. We work as a team to give our clients the best value. We’re always improving our service delivery and trying to maintain the highest standards.

What We Offer

We guarantee customer satisfaction in tantric massage, Nuru massage, tie and tease massage, aqua massage, prostate massage, 4 hands massage, mutual touching massage, and foot fetish massage. So far, we have nothing but good ratings from happy clients who always come back for a wholesome tantric massage experience.

We’re ready to listen to your needs and curate the best tantric massage therapy solutions. The masseuses are readily available for both incall and outcall massage services in the wider London area. Our locations are fully accessible, secure, and up to the highest standards. We’re punctual and discreet, and come bearing lots of tantric treats.

What Is Tantric Massage?

Tantric massage is a style of massage therapy that focuses on sensual stimulation of the body through the physical touch of specific muscle areas, meditation, eye contact, and other energetic components. It’s mainly built on the principles of tantra, an ancient spiritual practice in Central and Southeast Asia.

Our tantric massage therapists aim to unlock new realms of pleasure, electric sensations, and deeper and fulfilling experiences. As a result, clients are assured of the following benefits:

The Benefits of Tantric Massage Massage Therapy

Helps With Healing

Tantric massage opens up the energy channels in your body and allows free flow of the awakened energy. As a result, your entire energy system learns how to utilise internal and external energy for health and healing. Consequently, body pain, chronic illness, disease, depression, and other health issues are remedied.

Encourages Mindfulness

Tantric massage therapy is a deep dive into self-discovery. It blocks out the noise and takes you through self-reflection and introspection of different aspects of your life—sexual, psychological, and spiritual. As a result, you become mindful of your thoughts, actions, and resultant effects.

Moving forward, you’ll be able to make better and informed decisions and live a wholesome and fulfilling life.

Build a Deeper Connection With Your Partner

Tantric massage for couples helps them to connect deeply with each other as they discover their bodies and how to sustain higher pleasure levels. Our massage therapists are ready to show you the art of touch, meditation, and even breathing in relation to the body’s sensitivity and sensual pleasures.

Leads to Better Sex Experience

Even though tantric massage is highly sensual, there are no sexual expectations like an orgasm. There’s genital stimulation through lingam (penis) and yoni (vagina) massages, but they don’t target a single orgasm release. So, you can enjoy the thrill and emotions of awakening your erotic energy and spread it through the body to enjoy the whole-body multiple orgasmic releases.

As the receiver in a tantric massage session, you experience sensual pleasures without the pressure of returning the favour. All you need to do is relax and tap into the range of emotions going through your body, mind and soul. It’s perfect for people with sex-related issues like erectile dysfunction since they don’t have to worry about performance. Eventually, it could help to heal their condition.

Exploring your sexual energy also leads to a significant improvement in your sex life. It opens you up to the many possibilities of erotic pleasures as the climax builds up.

Additional benefits of tantric massage therapy include peace of mind and relaxation, reduction of stress and anxiety, cultivation of feelings of contempt and joy, and improved self-esteem,

Hear it from our customers

Overall Masseuse Ratings: 5 / 5 based on 128 reviews.